Music by Frédéric GERCHAMBEAU & Bruno KARNEL
Lyrics by Bruno KARNEL From our latest EP « N+8 »
N+8 is the second observation by FGBK. In most Indo-european languages the word « night » is N + 8 (night, Nacht, noche, nuit…). As our compositions are mostly about the night, we chose to call the EP that way. crédits paru le 4 juin 2022
Réalisation Clip Vidéo SELINOFILIMENI – Frédéric GERCHAMBEAU / Bruno KARNEL / JL ANGER
All music by Frédéric Gerchambeau and Bruno Karnel
Words by Bruno Karnel
Mixed and mastered by Omid Ardalan
Artwork by Amarynoff
Réalisation vidéo: JL Anger
FG : Eurorack modular synth with analog sequencer
BK : vocals, 6 & 7 strings electric guitars, saz, charango, keyboards & field recording
Special guest : Polina Faustova – cello on « Selinofilimeni ».
FGBK wish to thank : Omid, Polina, Anton, Sonia, Xavier, Florent, Fanny, Jacopo, Young Seol Cheo and all the magazines & webzines that support us.
Polina’s YT channel :…
Polina’s Insragram :